Monday, May 18, 2009

Food. Is it the best part?

Thanksgiving... I remember having the best time, laughing, talking, and just some down right good times on this holiday. Our family always started with saying some thing that we are thankful for before we could say grace and then eat. I think this one a great way to start and we still do this to this day. I think it gives us a different outlook then just to sit down and eat the food. The other thing we always have is my dad stuffing! Thanksgiving just does not seem the same with out it. As we get older and families mold together we add things, but the thing that never changes is saying what it is we are thankful for. We eat, play games, talk, tell jokes. and maybe ever shed a few tears talking about different stories. It is still a great time had by all. This may seem like it is "mainstream America" to some but to me this is the only way Thanksgiving can be had. I know some people, my boyfriend enclued don't see their family much or do many things together this seems differnt to me, but what my family does may seem differnt to them. In the end every one is different and some thing that seems normal to me may be off the wall to them. That is why it is always fun to talk about what people do nightly, monthly, or even yearly. I think it is nice to see what every one does at differnt times.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Community is being a single mom..

Community what this means to me and what do I belong to? I think the two Community's i fit best into would be raw food or being a single mom. I truly think I fit best with being a Sinlge mom I can relate to them best.

My community is Single Mom's, I know where they are comeing from the hardships they go through and the tough times to come. I don't really talk to alot of single mom's but I have a few friends who are single mom's and we talk alot about them the hard days with the kids and how having some one else there would be nice.

Then we sit back and talk about how things are not that bad and how things will get better. We are there for each other to help through the hard times and support eachother. We talk about how we have found men that show us they are not all bad and they are there for us. We now know that life is not that bad and having a man is not the only thing in the world. We can make it on our own. Having help is nice and having some one to love you is very nice. I think that this is my community and I love it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What does my wallet say?

Walking along in the store I notice my purse is not with me any more. Where did it go did some one take it or did I set it down some where and don't remember. I head to the exit and wonder what happened to it. I'm so up set and not sure where to look for it. I wonder what some one would think of what was in it and what they would do with it. They would see a credit card, debit card, child support card, a student i.d card, video card, businesses cards, receipts, no cash, there would be a lot of earrings, make up, ipod, and cell phone. They might think that I get child support but really don't. They would know I have at least one child and not know if I have more. They also might think I take care of my self which I do. They might think I either spend a lot of money or non at all, which I am in the middle.
They would see no pictures and they would miss a lot about me. I love my family, my son and my boyfriend. They would miss that I love to travel, play out side, laugh, take pictures, and be happy. My wallet is a big part of me and says a lot but it is not me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

This is a test

Did this work can you see it..